Euro Pharmacognosy 2022 | Pharmacognosy Conferences 2022 |Medicinal Plant Conferences | London | USA | Europe | Middle East |

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Renowned Speakers

Pharmacognosy conferences, Pharma Conferences, London conference Pharmacognosy, natural products 2022 meeting, London 2022 Pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical science 2022 meetings.

Syed Akheel Ahmed

University of Mysore India

Pharmacognosy conferences, Pharma Conferences, London conference Pharmacognosy, natural products 2022 meeting, London 2022 Pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical science 2022 meetings.

Manavalan R

RVS College of Pharmaceutical Sciences India

Pharmacognosy conferences, Pharma Conferences, London conference Pharmacognosy, natural products 2022 meeting, London 2022 Pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical science 2022 meetings.

Alberto Alcibiades Salazar Granara

Universidad de San Martin de Porres Peru

Pharmacognosy conferences, Pharma Conferences, London conference Pharmacognosy, natural products 2022 meeting, London 2022 Pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical science 2022 meetings.

SE Mazibuko-Mbeje

Medical Research Council of South Africa South Africa

Pharmacognosy conferences, Pharma Conferences, London conference Pharmacognosy, natural products 2022 meeting, London 2022 Pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical science 2022 meetings.

Mona Hetta

Fayoum University Egypt

Pharmacognosy conferences, Pharma Conferences, London conference Pharmacognosy, natural products 2022 meeting, London 2022 Pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical science 2022 meetings.

Fabio Boylan

Associate Professor, Pharmacy Brazil

Pharmacognosy conferences, Pharma Conferences, London conference Pharmacognosy, natural products 2022 meeting, London 2022 Pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical science 2022 meetings.

Debabrata Sircar

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee India

Pharmacognosy conferences, Pharma Conferences, London conference Pharmacognosy, natural products 2022 meeting, London 2022 Pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical science 2022 meetings.

Thumplasseril John

International Flavors and Fragrances (IFF) USA

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Euro Pharmacognosy 2022

About Conference

After a successful conference in 2021, ConferenceSeries Ltd is very delighted to invite you all to the "9th International Conference on Pharmacognosy, Medicinal Plants and Natural Products” (Euro Pharmacognosy 2022) scheduled on August 03-04, 2022 at London, UK. We are progressively working for the initiation of new world, perspectives and views in the field of pharmaceutical Sciences. Conference Series Ltd is providing a great platform for thousands of pharmacists meet, learn, share and exchange views. We are concentrating on a view that everyone should gain from the conference. So, we are organizing plenary sessions, poster exhibitions and section programs, workshops at the conference.

ConferenceSeries Ltd is a world class conference organizer, which have highly talented conference organizers around the globe. We have 70,000 editorial board members for ConferenceSeries Ltd journals and also 600+ Scientific conferences. We publish more than 700+ Open access journals for which we have more than 1 million readers and we strictly follow 21 day rapid review process. We endeavor to support and organize a variety of conferences throughout the year as educational opportunities to update knowledge and skills. To know more about the conference series visit:

Pharmacognosy 2022 is supported with related journals and their editorial board members which provide a chance of meeting them, along with experts in Herbal Medicine, Pharmacological sciences and Pharmaceutical sciences.

Pharmacognosy 2022 will schedule and coordinate all meetings with our Editorial Board Members and other experts in the Pharmacognosy, Phytochemistry & Natural Products fields across the world. The pharmacognosy conference scientific program paves a way to gather latest information through the research talks and presentations and put forward many thought provoking strategies in Pharmacognosy Conference

The global market for botanical and plant-derived drugs was valued at $23.2 billion in 2013 and $24.4 billion in 2014. This total market is expected to reach $25.6 billion in 2015 and nearly $35.4 billion in 2020, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.6% from 2015 to 2020.


Sessions and Tracks

Track 1: Pharmacognosy

The branch of Science concerned with medicinal drugs obtained from plants or other natural sources Pharmacognosy is in the strict feeling of the word came after investigation of phytochemicals. A significant number of these are known not security against bug assaults and plant ailments. They additionally show various defensive capacities for human purchasers. Phytochemistry can be considered sub-fields of Botany or Chemistry. Exercises can be driven in natural greenery enclosures or in the wild with the guide of Ethnobotany. The uses of the order can be for Pharmacognosy, or the disclosure of new medications or as a guide for plant physiology contemplates. Phytochemical procedure mostly applies to the quality control of Chinese solution, medicinal plants (Indian conventional drug) or home grown prescription of different concoction segments, for example, saponins, alkaloids, unpredictable oils, flavonoids and glycosides.

Track 1-1 Marine pharmacognosy

Track 1-2 Medical ethnobotany

Track 1-3 Phytotherapy

Track 1-4 Traditional medicine inspired drug discovery


 Track 2:  Phytochemistry

The branch of chemistry dealing with the chemical processes associated with plant life and the chemical compounds produced by plants Phytochemistry is in the strict sense of the word the study of phytochemicals. Phytochemistry can be considered sub-fields of Botany or Chemistry. Activities can be led in botanical gardens or in the wild with the aid of Ethnobotany mainly applies to the quality control of Chinese medicine, Aromatic Plants(Indian traditional medicine) or herbal medicine of various chemical components, such as saponins, alkaloids, volatile oils, flavonoids and anthraquinones. In the development of rapid and reproducible analytical techniques, the combination of HPLC with different detectors, such as diode array detector (DAD), refractive index detector (RID), evaporative light scattering detector (ELSD) and mass spectrometric detector (MSD), has been widely developed.

Track 2-1Chemistry and bioactive products

Track 2-2 Ethnopharmacy

Track 2-3 Comparative phytochemistry

Track 2-4 Bioactivities of phytochemicals

Track 2-5 Molecular genetics and genomics

Track 2-6 Protein biochemistry and proteomics

Track 2-7 Plant metabolomics

Track 2-8 Ecological biochemistry


Track 3: Natural Products

A characteristic item is a concoction compound or substance created by a living creature that is, found in nature in the broadest sense, regular items incorporate any substance delivered by life. Characteristic items can likewise be arranged by concoction combination (both semi synthesis and aggregate blend) and have assumed a focal part in the advancement of the field of natural science by giving testing manufactured targets. The term normal item has likewise been stretched out for business purposes to allude to beautifiers, dietary supplements, Healing Herbs and nourishments created from characteristic sources without included counterfeit fixings. Inside of the field of natural science, the meaning of characteristic items is normally confined to mean decontaminated natural mixes segregated from common sources that are characteristic items once in a while have pharmacological or organic action that can be of helpful advantage in treating infections.. Actually, characteristic items are the motivation for roughly one portion of U.S. Nourishment and Drug Administration-affirmed drug

Track 3-1 Natural products chemistry

Track 3-2 Natural products research

Track 3-3 Natural herbal products

Track 3-4 Natural health care products

Track 3-5 Natural products from marine resource

Track 3-6 Natural products drug discovery

Track 3-7 Toxic metabolomics of natural products

Track 4: Herbal Drugs and Formulation

The craftsmanship or routine of utilizing herbs and natural arrangements to keep up wellbeing and to counteract, reduce, or cure infection and a plant or plant part or a concentrate or blend of these utilized as a part of home grown prescription by the Plant extraction technique for medication definition Herbal and medication cooperation and assessment, in which the home grown medication is utilized to analyze, cure, treat, or anticipate sickness. Drug treatment is a vital piece of the medicinal field and depends on the art of pharmacology for persistent headway and on drug store for suitable administration of Herbal medications/mixes disclosure and improvement.

Track 4-1Herbal market analysis

Track 4-2Herbal drug research and therapy

Track 4-3 Standardization of herbal drugs

Track 4-4 Herbal extracts & supplement

Track 4-5 Ayurvedic herbals

Track 4-6 Herbal drug technology

Track 4-7 Advances in nutraceuticals


Track 5: Drugs from Natural Sources

A synthetic compound or substance created by a living creature-More than 20 new medications dispatched available somewhere around 2000 and 2005. Late endeavors into the innovative work of Herbal drug items as markers for new medication revelation of hostile to malignancy medications have prompted the distinguishing proof of an assortment of Flavonoids that repress tumor cell expansion and metastasis by means of different instruments. Regardless of the expanding number of exploration reports, there does not have a complete survey of Natural products in tumor treatment

Track 5-1 Natural products as biomarkers

Track 5-2 Natural products from microorganisms

Track 5-3 Natural products as biofuels

Track 5-4 Bioactive secondary metabolites

Track 5-5 Natural products from terrestrial resource

Track 5-6 Biological allergens and hallucinogens

Track 5-7 Alkaloids, steroids, flavonoids, and triterpinoids


Track 6: Toxicology Studies of Plant Products

They Consists of a few noteworthy parts, for example, Ayurveda, Siddha, homeopathy and Chemoprevention of ailments by plant items and unani drugs for the treatment of CNS and mind issue. Restorative plants constitute a noteworthy part in these conventional frameworks. The utilization of the word Toxicokinetics has changed in the course of the most recent decade and it is currently utilized, especially in the Medicinal Plants, to depict the era of pharmacokinetic information as a necessary segment in the behavior of nonclinical poisonous quality studies.

Track 6-1 Chemoprevention by plant products

Track 6-2 Plant products for CNS disorders

Track 6-3 Plant products in cancer therapy

Track 6-4 Therapeutic monitoring of drugs

Track 6-5Toxicokinetics, animals models and dose groups


Track 7: Industrial Pharmacognosy

The learning worried with therapeutic medications got from plants or other common sources. The workmanship or routine of utilizing herbs and home grown arrangements to keep up wellbeing and to avert, lighten, or cure infection. Indian herbs and its importance are famous around the world. A home grown restorative have developing interest on the planet showcase and is a precious endowment of nature. The eventual fate of drug store Herbal arrangements and phytomedicinals are progressively being utilized by people in general as self-chose OTC items for remedial or precaution purposes. Home grown pharmaceutical is as old as mankind and has truly been supported by shamans, savvy ladies and healers. A huge measure of experimental data has aggregated to shape an amorphous arrangement of home grown solution.

Track 7-1 Natural cosmetics

Track 7-2 Herbal cosmetics industry

Track 7-3 Pharmacoeconomics

Track 7-4 Pharmacy economics and prescription profits

Track 7-5 Recent trends in industrial pharmacognosy

Track 7-6 Molecular techniques in industrial pharmacognosy


Track 8: Ethnopharmacology

The investigation of contrasts because of medications taking into account changed ethnicity and pharmacogenetics. Intercultural Ethnopharmacology the present theoretical survey investigates intercultural human services as the reconciliation of conventional medication and Plant Genomes as reciprocal social insurance frameworks - in minority and underserved groups. This coordination can happen at diverse levels: people (patients, healers, and biomedical human services suppliers), organizations (wellbeing focuses, doctor's facilities) and the Plant Morphology points of view from customary to advanced pharmaceuticals.

Track 8-1 Medical ethnobiology

Track 8-2 Ethnobotany

Track 8-3 Ethnomycology

Track 8-4 Ethnopharmacological perspectives

Track 8-5 Ethnopharmacology of traditional medicines

Track 8-6 Herbal medicines - from traditional knowledge to global commodities


Track 10: Aromatic Plants

That deliver and radiate fragrant substances (to a great extent ether oils), which are utilized as a part of making scents, in cooking, and in the nourishment, pharmaceutical analysis, and alcohol commercial ventures. Numerous sweet-smelling plants are types of the Lauraceous, Umbelliferae, Myrtaceae, and Labiatae families. In the USSR roses, geraniums, tree, lavender, and rosemary are among the plants utilized as a part of industry.

Track 10-1 Phytocosmetics & Phytomedicine

Track 10-2 Aromatics

Track 10-3 Healing Herbs

Track 10-4 Medicinal Herbs

Track 10-5 Medicinal Plants

Track 10-6 Antioxidants


Track 11: Crude Drugs and Plant Products

The items from plant and creature starting point found in a crude structure, be that as it may, the term is additionally connected to incorporate pharmaceutical items from mineral kingdom in unique frame and not as a matter of course just of natural beginning. Plant Anatomy and scientific categorization is the formal, experimental naming of plants. It is identified with, yet unmistakable from plant scientific classification is worried with gathering and characterizing plants; herbal terminology then gives names to the aftereffects of this procedure and determination of its quality, immaculateness and recognition of nature of adulterant by different parameters like Plant morphological, minutely, physical, substance and organic assessments by Micro and large scale supplements in home grown medications and it is the investigation of the synthetic components.

Track 11-1 Cultivation, processing and storage

Track 11-2 Pharmacognostic evaluation

Track 11-3 Therapeutic values in plant drugs

Track 11-4 Identity, purity, and quality of crude drugs

Track 11-5 Micro and macro nutrients in herbal drugs


Track 12: Herbal System of Medicines

They are utilized as a part of the upkeep of wellbeing and in the counteractive action, conclusion, change or treatment of physical and mal adjustment and there are a wide range of frameworks of Natural Medicines of home grown items, and the reasoning and practices of each are impacted by the overarching conditions, environment, and geographic region the Global exchange and commercialization of Alkaloids and Flavonoids and other old frameworks of medication nonetheless, a typical logic is an all-encompassing way to deal with life, balance of the psyche, body, and the earth and an accentuation on wellbeing as opposed to on illness

Track 12- 1 Future of ancient system of medicine

Track 12-2 Phytopharmaceuticals

Track 12-3 Herbal drugs adulteration

Track 12-4 Chinese herbal medicine

Track 12-5 Traditional herbal medicines

Track 12-6 Stability of herbal products


Track 13: Plant Biotechnology and Tissue Culture

The gathering of procedures used to keep up or develop plant cells, tissues or organs under sterile conditions on a supplement society medium of known synthesis. Plant biotechnology may be characterized as the utilization of learning got from investigation of the life sciences to make innovative changes in plant species and the Totipotency and agriculture to which the act of greenhouse development and administration and the capacity of cells, for example, an embryonic undifferentiated cell to separate into a body cell. Plant pathology and physiology is the exploratory investigation of sicknesses in plants brought about by pathogens (irresistible creatures) and ecological conditions (physiological factors).Transgenic plants for yield change are plants utilized as a part of horticulture, the DNA of which has been adjusted utilizing hereditary designing methods or enhancing the supplement profile of the product of Plant development controllers and its constraints in Pharmacognosy.

Track 13-1 Plant tissue culture techniques

Track 13-2 Plant growth regulators

Track 13-3 Transgenic plants

Track 13-4 Totipotency and horticulture

Track 13-5 Plant pathology and physiology


Track 14: Phyto constituents

Phytoconstituents are synthetic intensifies that happen actually in plants (phyto signifies "plant" in Greek). With particular information of the cell activities or components, phytoconstituents have been considered as Plant medications for centuries. Particular phytochemicals, for example, fermentable dietary filaments, are permitted restricted wellbeing cases by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Some phytochemicals with physiological properties may be components instead of complex natural particles. For instance, selenium, which is plentiful in numerous products of the soil, is included with major metabolic pathways, including thyroid hormone digestion system and insusceptible capacity. Especially, it is a crucial supplement and cofactor for the enzymatic amalgamation of glutathione, an endogenous cancer prevention agent.

Track 14-1Trends in natural products research

Track 14-2 Botany or chemistry

Track 14-3 Chromatographic techniques

Track 14-4 Spectroscopic methods


Track 15: Plant Physiology

Plant physiology is a sub discipline of herbal science worried with the working, or biochemistry, of plants. Firmly related fields incorporate plant morphology (structure of plants), plant nature (associations with the earth), phytochemistry (organic chemistry of plants), cell science, hereditary qualities, biophysics and atomic science. Essential procedures, for example, photosynthesis, breath, plant sustenance, plant hormone capacities, tropisms, nastic developments, photoperiodism, photo morphogenesis, circadian rhythms, ecological anxiety physiology, seed germination, lethargy and stomata capacity and transpiration, both parts of plant water relations, are considered by plant physiologists.

Track 15-1 Plant hormones

Track 15-2 Biotic and abiotic stress in plants

Track 15-3 Photomorphogenesis

Track 15-4 Photoperiodism

Track 15-5 Stress physiology of plant science

Track 15-6 Plant diseases


Track 16: Plant Biochemistry

Plant Biochemistry is firmly identified with sub-atomic science, the investigation of the sub-atomic systems by which hereditary data encoded in DNA has the capacity result in the procedures of life. Contingent upon the precise meaning of the terms utilized, sub-atomic science can be considered as a branch of organic chemistry, or natural chemistry as a device with which to explore and concentrate on sub-atomic science for example, proteins, nucleic acids, sugars and lipids, which give the structure of cells and perform huge numbers of the capacities connected with life. The science of the cell likewise relies on upon the responses of littler atoms and particles. These can be inorganic, for instance water and metal particles, or natural, for instance the Bioactive compounds which are utilized to combine proteins. In farming, natural chemists examine soil and manures, and attempt to find approaches to enhance crop development, crop stockpiling and nuisance control.

Track 16-1 Plant genomics

Track 16-2 Clinical naturopathy

Track 16-3 Traditional alternative medicines

Track 16-4 Medicinal chemistry


Track 17: Analytical Techniques in Phytochemistry

The chemicals got from plants in a smaller sense the terms are regularly used to portray the vast number of optional metabolic mixes found in plants the Spectrometry of Phytoconstituents are picking up ubiquity as fixings in restorative definitions as they can ensure the skin against exogenous and endogenous unsafe specialists and can cure numerous skin conditions. Chromatography and effective apparatus of recognition of Phytoconstituents of their supportive instruments like Identification: UV, IR, NMR, Mass spectroscopy. It depends on pumps to pass a pressurized fluid dissolvable containing the example blend through a section loaded with a strong adsorbent material and by utilizing Crystalline structure.

Track 17-1 Phytoconstituents detection methods

Track 17-2 Crystalline structure: x-ray diffraction

Track 17-3 Advanced analytical techniques


Track 18:  Plant Extraction methods

A few methodologies can be utilized to extricate the plant material, natural solvents of fluctuating polarities are by and large chosen in present day strategies for extraction to abuse the different solubility’s of plant constituents. Maceration: This basic generally utilized methodology includes leaving the pounded plant to absorb a suitable dissolvable in a shut holder .basic maceration is performed at room temperature by blending the ground drug with the dissolvable (medication dissolvable proportion: 1:5 or 1:10) and leaving the blend for a few days with periodic shaking or mixing. The concentrate is then rehashed from the plant particles by straining. Finally the last buildup of concentrate is squeezed out of the plant particles utilizing a mechanical press or a centrifuge. Kinetic maceration differed from basic one by continuous mixing. The technique is suitable for both introductory and mass extraction for Enzyme Activity.

Track 18-1 Phytochemical screening

Track 18-2 Physicochemical parameters

Track 18-3 Fluorescence analysis

Track 18-4 Phytochemical investigation


Track 19: Applied Plant Science

Applied Plant Science is an interdisciplinary major. Our project draws on the showing ability, examination. Applied Plant Science major underlines thought of true needs in the regions of plant change for item quality, Enzyme Activity, and the advancement and administration of economical Plant Hormones changes. As an understudy in our project, you will get the learning and abilities fundamental for tending to complex issues connected with plant frameworks oversaw for the generation of sustenance; fiber; vitality; substance segments for wellbeing and mechanical applications; and ecological advantages of Plant Genomes, and hereditary qualities. You will likewise pick up inside and out information in one of three accentuation territories accessible to browse

Track 19-1 Agronomy

Track 19-2 Biotechnology

Track 19-3 Breeding

Track 19-4 Food science and technology

Track 19-5 Natural resource management

Track 19-6 Forestry


Track-20: Entrepreneurs Investment Meet

A platform aimed to connect Entrepreneurs, Proposers and the Investors worldwide. It's intended to create and facilitate the most optimized and viable meeting place for engaging people in global business discussions, evaluation and execution of promising business ideas. An investor could be able to find out the highest potential investment opportunities globally, which provide good return on investment. For entrepreneurs, this would be an ideal place to find out suitable investors and partners to start and/or expand their business. Thus it is a perfect place to connect Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, Early Stage Companies and Established Corporates with National or International Investors, Corporate Investors and Potential Business Partners.






Market Analysis

Summary of Pharmacognosy 2022:

Pharmacognosy plays an important role in the study of crude drugs that include plant, animal and marine sources. Japan remains the world's second-biggest pharmaceuticals market, behind ... the government is responding is easing several life science regulations and ... and research collaborations in Japan with companies with existingThe subject deals with the discovery, characterization, production and standardization of drugs from natural sources and forms a basis in the study of Nutraceuticals and Cosmeceutical.

For thousands of year’s Pharmacognosy and natural products have played a very important role in health care and prevention of diseases.  It is estimated that about 70% of the supply of herbal raw material for Ayurveda and other homeopathic medicines in India comes from the wild. To meet the increasing demand for raw material, to conserve wild resources, and to reduce the potential variability in the active ingredient content in medicinal plants from different collection areas, it is important to implement more controlled cultivation programs to ensure quality and to protect resources. 

The global market for botanical and plant-derived drugs was valued at $23.2 billion in 2013 and $24.4 billion in 2014. This total market is expected to reach $25.6 billion in 2015 and nearly $35.4 billion in 2020, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.6% from 2015 to 2020

Scope and Importance:

Investigations into Pharmacognosy have recently regained prominence with the increasing understanding of their biological significance and increasing recognition of the origin and function of their structural diversity. This issue highlights some of the major questions and advances in natural products research, from recent synthetic approaches to access complicated natural products to a new educational program which utilizes natural products as a basis for discovery-based research.

 Conference Highlights

  • Pharmacognosy
  • Phytochemistry
  • Natural Products
  • Herbal Drugs and Formulations
  • Drugs from Natural Sources
  • Toxicology Studies of Plant Products
  • Industrial Pharmacognosy
  • Ethnopharmacology
  • Natural Products of Medicinal Interest
  • Aromatic Plants
  • Crude Drugs and Plant Products
  • Herbal System of Medicine
  • Plant Biotechnology and Tissue Culture
  • Phytoconstituents
  • Plant Physiology
  • Plant biochemistry
  • Analytical Techniques in Phytochemistry
  • Plant Extraction Methods
  • Applied Plant Sciences

Societies Associated with Pharmacognosy:

Major Associations around Asia Pacific

  • Botanical Society of China (BSC)
  • Chinese Society of Plant Biology (CSPB)
  • Crop Science Society of China (CSSC)
  • Genetics Society of China (GSC)
  • Indian Society of Plant Physiology (ISPP)
  • Japanese Society for Plant Cell and Molecular Biology (JSPCMB)
  • Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists (JSPP)

Major Associations around the Globe

  • American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB)
  • Australian Society of Plant Scientists (ASPS)
  • Argentinean Society of Plant Physiology (SAFV)
  • American Society of Agronomy (ASA)
  • African Crop Science Society (ACSS)
  • Brazilian Society of Plant Physiology (SBFV)
  • Canadian Society of Plant Biologists (CSPB)
  • Chile’s National Network of Plant Biologists (CNNPB)
  • Crop Science Society of America (CSSA)
  • European Association for Research on Plant Breeding (EUCARPIA)
  • European Plant Science Organization (EPSO)
  • Federation of European Societies of Plant Biology (FESPB)
  • International Society of Plant Pathology (ISPP)
  • International Crop Science Society (ICSS)
  • International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS)
  • Irish Plant Scientists' Association (IPSA)
  • International Society for Plant Molecular Biology (ISPMB)
  • International Christian Association of Natural Therapists Ltd
  • Korean Society of Plant Biologists (KSPB)
  • New Zealand Society of Plant Biologists (NZSPB)

Market Analysis of Plant Derived Drugs

The global market for botanical and plant-derived drugs was valued at $23.2 billion in 2013 and $24.4 billion in 2014. This total market is expected to reach $25.6 billion in 2015 and nearly $35.4 billion in 2020, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.6% from 2015 to 2020.




To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date August 03-04, 2022

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

Speaker Opportunity

Past Conference Report

Supported By

Journal of Pharmacognosy & Natural Products JOURNAL OF NATURAL PRODUCT AND PLANT RESOURCES

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